First-hand experiences of meditation and spirituality.

Praying for God’s Grace to Descend
Sweta Pradhan Kathmandu, Nepal
Spiritual Friends
Preetidutta Thorpe Auckland, New Zealand
My love of spiritual poetry
Manatita Hutchinson London, United Kingdom
A Flame in my Heart
Adesh Widmer Zurich, Switzerland
The day when everything began
Bhagavantee Paul Salzburg, Austria
I was just so transported by the atmosphere
Pulak Viscardi New York, United States
The very first time I heard about my spiritual Master
Banshidhar Medeiros San Juan, Puerto Rico
Spiritual moments with my grandmother
Patanga Cordeiro São Paulo, Brazil
The connection between Sri Chinmoy's music and my soul
Kamalakanta Nieves New York, United States
The Random Dog
Toshala Elliott Auckland, New Zealand
Breaking the world record for the longest game of hopscotch
Pipasa Glass & Jamini Young Seattle, United States
The day I made a useless and ridiculous weightlifting machine for Guru
Devashishu Torpy London, United KingdomSuggested videos
interviews with Sri Chinmoy's students

The value of meditation in a stressful job
Garga Chamberlain Bristol, United Kingdom
Breaking Guinness records
Ashrita Furman New York, United States
My typical day
Pranlobha Kalagian Seattle, United States
Spirituality - the most fascinating subject on earth
Laila Faerman New York, United States
My favourite part of Sri Chinmoy's path
Muslim Badami Auckland, New Zealand
Humorous moments with Sri Chinmoy
Toshala Elliott Auckland, New Zealand